Friday, December 27, 2019

Affirmative Action is Harmful to Society Essay - 1805 Words

In the controversial realms of affirmative action, the largest issue staunchly fought over is whether minorities should be given preferential treatment in the workplace and in the schools. One side declares that those in the minority group need and deserve governmental aid so that they will be on equal footing with the majority group. Opponents of affirmative action point out that setting apart groups based on their race or ethnicity is purely racism and can lead to reverse discrimination. I am against affirmative action for the aforementioned reasons, and would not consider such racism as necessary for creating a healthy society, as proponents would insist. It is my belief that affirmative action today is out of date and is†¦show more content†¦Instead, the opposite appears to have happened. When the emphasis is placed on aiding people with certain skin colors or ethnic backgrounds, affirmative action sets the races further apart than before. Could this be just another form of segregation? The attempts at boosting minorities to the level of the others have grotesquely failed. To raise minorities the government has pushed down the majority group, fueling racial conflicts. In addition, lowering the bar for minorities for admission into jobs or schools has created a harmful atmosphere for them. Because some of them could not originally qualify on merit and skills, many face failure or extra hardship when they get ushered into their job or school. As Charles T. Canady said in his speech at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, D. C., Preferences do nothing to help develop the skills necessary for the economic and social advancement of the disadvantaged (43). Meanwhile the majorities receive punishment because of their lack of a specific skin tone or origin. Entitlements by race, sex, ethnicity and sexual orientation-categories that in no way reflect merit- Shelby Steele described, are at the root of the great social evils in American life (175). It is un fair to reward or turn away applicants because of something that is only theirs by ascribed means. When prospective college students or job applicants are considered, the competition should be solely basedShow MoreRelatedArgumentation-Persuasion Essay Affirmative Action1494 Words   |  6 PagesArgumentation-Persuasion Essay Affirmative Action Ronald Spears 16 March 2012 Constitution Law Bonnie Ronson Wiregrass Tech. College Online Abstract: The terms affirmative action refer to policies that take race, ethnicity, or gender into consideration in an attempt to promote equal opportunity or increase ethnic or other forms of diversity. The focus of such policies ranges from employment and education to public contracting and health programs. 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Because privilege is so ingrained in the workings of society, and because the effects of privilege are greater and more complex than any metric used to determine merit based aidRead More Affirmative Action Essay1503 Words   |  7 Pages Affirmative Action is defined by Websters New World College Dictionary as a policy or program for correcting the effects of discrimination in the employment or education of members of certain groups. The phrase affirmative action was coined by President John F. Kennedy in 1961 when he issued Executive Order 10925, initiating the Presidents Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity. In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson issued Executive Order 11246. This order required federal contractors toRead MoreEssay IM Black YouRe White Whos Innocent1114 Words   |  5 PagesSummary: This paper is based on an article called Im Black Youre White Whos innocent by Shelby Steel. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Cultural And Religious Perspective On Womens Reproductive...

Cross Cultural Health and Ethics: Cultural and Religious Perspective on Women’s Reproductive Health and Motherhood In many parts of the world as well in the United States, many women continue to feel pressured in having children due to societal, cultural, and religious beliefs, but are experiencing cultural barriers in seeking out reproductive health care services in addition to lacking access to health care services. The lack of access to health care and cultural barriers has resulted in women experiencing reproductive health problems and health disparities in the United States. In many cultures, the role of a woman is childbearing and motherhood and some women may feel inadequate and worthless if they have not produced a child. Others simply may not have access or have religious barriers in obtaining contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancies. These issues and beliefs are evident among the Latino, African, and Middle Eastern cultures and religions, and it is having a negative health impact on the women and is producing poor health care outcomes. Women of color are experiencing reproductive health disparities in that they are less likely to receive adequate reproductive health care despite the advanced health care services the United States is known to provide (Webb, 2004, p.1). The minority women are unable to receive adequate, quality reproductive health care because they are less likely to have access to reproductive health care in addition to contraceptives,Show MoreRelatedMental Health And Health Care3541 Words   |  15 Pagesusing primary health care services in developing countries suffer from a mental illness. â€Å"Despite the substantial burden of disease and the availability of effective and affordable treatments, mental health care remains a neglected issue, especially in developing countries† (Kermode, Herrman, Arole, White, Premkumar Patel 2007, pp. 2). The relationship between women’s mental health and reproductive health has come to be recognized as having a considerable burden on women’s health and lives. TheRead MoreSusan Martha Kahn : An Imperative Religious Duty2108 Words   |  9 Pagesenthusiastically embraced new reproductive technologies as reasonable solutions to childlessness (Kahn 2000:1),† which sets the tone for this account as a whole, presenting the idea that childlessness is a problem to be solved in Israeli culture. This idea is engrained in the culture, and a barren woman is the center of sympathy. The biblical decree to â€Å"be fruitful and multiply† has a very important role for Jewish individuals, many of whom consider reproduction as â€Å"an imperative religious duty† Kahn 2000: 3)Read MoreAnthropology : Cultural And Social Formation Of Gender And Ideas About Gender2379 Words   |  10 PagesAnthropology of gender provides a broad look at the issues surrounding the cultu ral and social formation of gender and ideas about gender. 1. Expands and allows for an unbiased view in the broad scoped discipline of Anthropology. 2. 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Nobody to regulate the quality of the workforceRead MorePopulation Education Reviewer3847 Words   |  16 Pagescauses of female death in the Philippines. =The Status of Women in the Philippines By DOH * 22 years old Average Filipina Women marry at this age =Education for Women –A must * Senesa Falls Convention in New York State in 1940 the first women’s right meeting delegates declared that â€Å"all men and women are created equal.† =The Forgotten Women= R.A. 7432 declares that the state aims â€Å"to encourage their families and the communities they live with to reaffirm the valued Filipino traditionRead MoreEssay on The Abortion Debate2211 Words   |  9 PagesAbortion is the termination of pregnancy by the destruction or depleting of the fetus. This controversial practice has been performed for centuries, and has had many perspectives on right and wrong. The method compares to two ideologies: a simple medical procedure, or the murder of a helpless innocent life. Morals and facts to this day continue to blur along the lines of abortion. Women, at times, see this as an outlet to free themselves from relentless shame (rape, incest etc.). It is also usedRead MoreUpdating Motherhood: Science and the Enlightenment of Women4934 Words   |  20 Pagesï » ¿Updating Motherhood 2.0: Science and the Enlightenment of Women Before there was the enlightenment of women there was a scientific revolution. And one of the critical facts of that transformation was a notion by the men of science that they should not look back to the works and understandings of the past (Brown, 2008). Without the benefit of objective theories and practices, that knowledge was at best untrustworthy and surely contaminated by the minds of the untrained. In such an environmentRead MoreThesis, Term Paper, Essay, Research Paper21993 Words   |  88 Pagestiming of childbirth and the role of motherhood in their lives (Preston-Whyte and Zondi, 1992). It has been found that the average number of children per woman has been reduced significantly when compared to the trend in the 1970s, and that young women tend to delay motherhood. South Africa has the lowest fertility rate in sub-Saharan Africa and is at par with other developing countries outside region (Anderson, 2002). In the 1998 South African Demographic and Health Survey (SADHS), it was found thatRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pages E SSAYS ON TWENTIETH-C ENTURY H ISTORY In the series Critical Perspectives on the Past, edited by Susan Porter Benson, Stephen Brier, and Roy Rosenzweig Also in this series: Paula Hamilton and Linda Shopes, eds., Oral History and Public Memories Tiffany Ruby Patterson, Zora Neale Hurston and a History of Southern Life Lisa M. Fine, The Story of Reo Joe: Work, Kin, and Community in Autotown, U.S.A. Van Gosse and Richard Moser, eds., The World the Sixties Made: Politics and CultureRead MoreSociology Essay20437 Words   |  82 Pages2000; Will Woodward, ‘Testing †¦ testing †¦ testing’, The Guardian 20.05.00. Copyright  © Guardian News Media Ltd 2000; ‘Adoption boost for gay couples’,, 07.05.02. Copyright  © Guardian News Media Ltd 2002; and Anushka Asthana, ‘Religious schools â€Å"show bias for rich†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢: Middle class favoured, study shows: Faith schools deny selection claim’, The Observer, 02.03.08. Copyright  © Guardian News Media Ltd 2008; Philip Allan Updates for material from, ‘Gender differences in education:

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Information Technology Management Infrastructure Free- Samples

Questions: 1.Define and Explain the terminologies: 2.Suggest a list of Information technology (IT)Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) andoutline the Advantages and Disadvantages associated with ITKPI. 3.What is SaaS and outline its Benefit and Disadvantages. Explain your answer.4.Study "Business Continuity with Virtualization" in your text book [Chapter 2,IT at Work 2.3] and answer the following questions:A.What business risks had Liberty Wines faced?.B.How does Liberty Wines IT infrastructure impact its competitive advantage? C.How did server virtualisation benefit Liberty Wines and the environment?5.Study "CASE 2 BUSINESS CASE: Financial Intelligence Fights Fraud" in your text book [Chapter 3] and answer the following questionsA.What data and IT problems were limiting FinCENs ability to fight financial crime?B.Describe the IT upgrades and capabilities needed by FinCEN in order to achieve its mission. C.On what does financial intelligence depend? D.Why is the ability to identify patterns and relationships critical to national security?E.Research recent financial crimes that FinCEN has detected and disrupted. Explain the role of data analytics in crime detection. Answers: 1.Business intelligence (BI) is a term that describes infrastructure, applications, and practices used to access and analyze information to improve decision making process and optimize performance (Chen, 2012). IT Agility is a metric used to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the IT infrastructure in responding to threats or opportunities in the market. SWOT analysis is a framework used to analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats faced by an organization (Helms, 2010). Strategic planning is the process of an organization in defining its strategy and making decisions on allocating resources available to implement the strategy (Steiner, 2010). Enterprise architecture is a blueprint that defines the operations and structure of a business and determines how an organization can achieve its short-term and long-term objectives (Bernard, 2012). Management information systems is a group of systems that collect data from various sources, compile it, and present it as comprehensive information that can be used to make decisions in an organization. MIS and DSS is an abbreviation for Management Information Systems and Decision Support Systems which are systems that facilitate communication in an organization and provide innovative vision to senior management respectively. Cloud infrastructure is a virtual infrastructure delivered via the internet or network that includes services or products delivered to users via Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) (Mell, 2009). Data and text mining is process of discovering patterns by analyzing large data sets or data in natural language text (Feldman, 2007). DMS is a system used to monitor, manage, and store documents. Big data are large data sets that are analyzed computationally to identify patterns and trends particularly those related to human behavior (McAfee, 2012). 2.Some of IT Key Performance Indicators include Average date center availability and web server availability. Average data center availability is a KPI for measuring the degree to which data center is operational and accessible (Barroso, 2010). The metric considers all the factors affecting availability. However, it doesnt translate well to data center availability. Webserver availability measures the extent to which web servers are accessible when they are used. The metric is effective in defining the amount of time the web server will be unavailable. However, it does not consider various reliability factors such as power loss that can affect availability of web servers. 3.Software as a service (SaaS) is a category of cloud computing in which applications are hosted and made available to users over internet (Dubey, 2007). For businesses, SaaS has many potential benefits. SaaS model saves costs incurred in installing and maintaining on-premises applications. SaaS subscription enables companies to use various applications hosted on the cloud. The model is scalable and can support business growth. Companies only have to adjust SaaS subscription instead of investing in new IT equipment. SaaS is accessible via internet hence is available on a wide range of devices including PC and smartphones. It eliminates the workload of dealing with hardware and software updates and the need for an in-house IT department. Since the IT infrastructure, the companys data and applications are safeguarded from disasters that may occur (Bhardwaj, 2010). SaaS has various pitfalls which can adversely affect a business. Security is a major concern in SaaS as companies have to consider the cloud service provider entrusted with data and business processes and the issue of access management has to be addressed (Benlian, 2011). Despite the service offered, outages occurs due to various issues such as human error. Downtime can be disastrous for business operations particularly if an organization uses mission-critical applications. A web browser accessing applications hosted in remote data centers can have performance issues when compared to application running on the companys machines. SaaS market has many startups and many will fail which poses a risk to the data of business organizations using them as cloud service providers (Vaquero, 2008). SaaS model also have integration issues in cases where companies seek to connect cloud applications with on-premises applications. 4.AAs Liberty Wines expanded its business operations, its IT facility could not handle the increasing data workload. The companys IT systems had poor performance and required a lot of maintenance. This lead to a reduction in employee productivity and output which affected the companys business processes such as inventory management. BThe companys IT infrastructure lacks scalability which adversely affects the companys competitive edge. Without enough IT capacity, the company is not able to provide quality service which leads to loss of customers as orders are not processes on time. CServer virtualization enabled the company to reduce power use by 60% and the carbon footprint of its operations. Replacement costs for hardware was reduced and the companys applications had higher performance which enabled the company to provide better customer service and improved productivity. Additionally, the companys backup server enhanced reliability and the new virtual environment provided scalability which allowed business growth. 5.A.When analyzing data, FinCEN was limited to using small datasets which hampered the effectiveness of the analysis process. The bureau could not analyze large datasets and lacked IT capabilities to predict trends and maintain proactive analysis. It used multiple offline systems to report data to agencies which had to be cleaned and transformed hence delaying user access. Additionally, analytics and reporting gaps made it difficult for the bureau to detect emerging threats and assist in responding to criminal agents. B.FinCen has to upgrade its query and data analytics capabilities.An emphasis should be placed on upgrading IT infrastructures to handle the data analysis process. A robust database should be implement to store massive datasets. Upgrade its analytics capabilities can enabled the bureau to effectively collect and analyze data from a range of sources and provide them to agencies. C.Financial intelligence on IT capabilities such as data analytics, databases, and query capabilities that are essential in gathering information from various sources, analyzing it, and understanding its context. DThe ability to identity patterns and relationships in a dataset is a critical skill that enables intelligent decision making required in national security. Such ability enables agencies to predict events that can happen in the future such as terrorist attacks. The ability to discover patterns implies that the government has the capability of identifying criminal agents before they perpetrate a crime. For example, terror plots can be discovered and stopped hence improve national security. E.Data analytics is a key aspect of crime detection that enables agencies to discover anomalies in datasets. With data analytics, agencies can analyze data and identify patterns associated with criminal activities. For example, data analytics in the financial industry enable banks to detect fraud based on the patterns observed. Data analytics gives agencies the capability to scan for various criminal activities References Barroso, L. A., Clidaras, J., Hlzle, U. (2013). The datacenter as a computer: An introduction to the design of warehouse-scale machines.Synthesis lectures on computer architecture,8(3), 1-154. Benlian, A., Hess, T. (2011). Opportunities and risks of software-as-a-service: Findings from a survey of IT executives.Decision Support Systems,52(1), 232-246. Bernard, S. A. (2012).An introduction to enterprise architecture. AuthorHouse. Bhardwaj, S., Jain, L., Jain, S. (2010). Cloud computing: A study of infrastructure as a service (IAAS).International Journal of engineering and information Technology,2(1), 60-63. Chen, H., Chiang, R. H., Storey, V. C. (2012). Business intelligence and analytics: From big data to big impact.MIS quarterly,36(4), 1165-1188. Dubey, A., Wagle, D. (2007). Delivering software as a service.The McKinsey Quarterly,6(2007), 2007. Feldman, R., Sanger, J. (2007).The text mining handbook: advanced approaches in analyzing unstructured data. Cambridge university press. Helms, M. M., Nixon, J. (2010). Exploring SWOT analysiswhere are we now? A review of academic research from the last decade.Journal of strategy and management,3(3), 215-251. McAfee, A., Brynjolfsson, E., Davenport, T. H., Patil, D. J., Barton, D. (2012). Big data.The management revolution. Harvard Bus Rev,90(10), 61-67. Mell, P., Grance, T. (2009). The NIST definition of cloud computing.National Institute of Standards and Technology,53(6), 50. Steiner, G. A. (2010).Strategic planning. Simon and Schuster. Vaquero, L. M., Rodero-Merino, L., Caceres, J., Lindner, M. (2008). A break in the clouds: towards a cloud definition.ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review,39(1), 50-55.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The Clod & The Pebble Essays - Songs Of Innocence And Of Experience

The Clod & The Pebble Innocence & Experience In The Clod The Clod and the Pebble represents two contrasting points of view between a little clod of clay and a pebble of the brook. The poem expresses symbolic references towards innocence and experience with light and dark imagery. The two contrasting points of view on love are revealed through generous and unselfish tones in the first part and greedy and selfish tones in the second part. In the first stanza of the free verse poem, Blake uses the Clod of Clay to highlight the positive aspects of love. Through the eyes of the Clod, love is revealed to us as graceful, pure and everlasting. The heavenly tone marks how elegant and passionate love can grow to become. In the third stanza, the pebble of the brook explains the negative visions that love is or will eventually become in future experiences. The pebble describes love as harsh and selfish by only considering what is best for itself and having no real concern for the individuals trapped in the addicted passion. The Pebble also reveals a negative and harsh tone through its conception that love will turn a sweet chocolate bitter and a mighty warrior frail. The Clod of Clay symbolizes the soft, tender and innocent nature of love. It is easily formed and shaped into the figure that fits the given situation at hand. The Clod is flexible to change and tolerates an abundance of stress towards its soft form. The Clod represents how a relationship has to be in order to for love to work and the relationship last. The relationship must be flexible to change and tolerant of imposed differences and changes over time. The Pebble symbolizes the rough, hard and stern nature of love. It is unable to bend, flex or compromise change in a relationship. It remains solid and closed minded with no optimistic vision to improve the relationship that exits. The Pebble represents the clearly unstable foundation of a loving relationship. A relationship that highlights the negative experiences and will surely never last. Blake imposes vivid imagery to convey loves unselfishness. Love seeketh not If self to please in reference to the vision that Love is selfless and humble. Love in the Clods eyes only seeks to please others and not itself. The Clod gives its ease for another in reference to the innocence is complemented by grace. The gentle nature love imposes upon the hearts of others is clam with ease and gracious in delight. The Clod also builds a heaven in hells despair, which reveals an image where the passion and grace of love cleanses the soul of evil and purifies bad decisions. The imagery in the 3rd stanza is more dark and deceitful. The Pebble views love as seeketh only Self to please. This reveals the pebbles view of love being selfish as Self is capitalized to also signify that love consumes all life and emotion from everything. Love is also characterized as having joys in anothers loss of ease referring to how insensitive and impenitent love is in the pebbles eyes. The Pebble closes the poem off with a counter action from the Clod by expressing that love builds a Hell in Heavens despite. This revealing that the pebble believes that love corrupts purity, trust, honesty, and true emotion. Blakes revealing diction fine-tunes the poems central meaning as the pebble uses bind in line 10 to express that love restrains an individual's ability to be open and free. And the Clod expressing the smooth nature of love that is an exciting and enjoyable feeling in which everyone should be able to experience. In contrasting the basic elements and points of view of the Clod and the Pebble, reveal to the reader that even a beautiful thing like love can also dramatically affect a persons emotions and life in general when the experience shows either the negative or positive aspects of love. Bibliography The extremes of Poetry Poetry Essays

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Hotel Tempus

Sales and Marketing There should be inclusion of efficient steering and controlled implementation of real-time information which can assist in relaying timely information from various market segments. Targeting and positioning of Hotel Tempus are based on workable strategies dependent on the nature of market segment. Corporate market segment seems to have the highest paying capacity, hence contributing the largest share of total revenue collection. The efforts taken should be focused on two subsets, namely, Non-Negotiated Territory Accounts and Negotiated National Accounts, which can enable maximum contribution to the revenue during weekdays. Location of Hotel Tempus within strategic regional towns gives it advantage over other competitors in attracting leisure groups, especially during weekends. Hotel Tempus can use long-stay segment to cater for the gap created by corporates during weekends. Field sales team would assist in identifying potential customers within this segment. Building of good and large conference hall within hotel’s premises would enable Hotel Tempus to charge its guests in attendance as well as those utilizing its accommodation facilities a premium price for its services. Premium can as well be charged within the events segment based on Hotel Tempus brand value and domestic recognition. Target market will be extended to encompass married couples with affluent backgrounds. Such a strategy would include those from mid-western countries, who always enjoy new dining experiences, entertainment and shopping. In running an international business, management is always recognized as a complex operation, which basically requires understanding of both the theoretical and the practical aspects, to operate it successfully. One of the marketing strategies that managers would use to remain relevant and competitive within the industry is technology and ‘servicescape’ they establish with intention to appeal to their customers. Research demonstrates that the level to which hotel venture is able to retain its customers, while coming up with ways of attracting new ones, directly influences performance and profitability of the venture. Equally, there exists compelling evidence that customer perceptions, emotions and feelings of particular new technology establishment will directly influence the relationship which develops between customers and organizations. But while there is a wide body of research on these variables and their effects on customer retention and loyalty, few, if any, studies have purposely dealt with branding serves as core variable within such settings; and the outcomes obtained will be used to elicit positive customer responses, particularly in developing positive perceptions, emotions and behavioral intentions that will go a long to reinforce customer retention and loyalty. Moreover, few empirical studies have assessed how factors related to marketing strategy innovations lead to uniqueness of service enterprises. This will affect overall performance and profitability levels of Hotel Tempus. Sales and Marketing Organization Structure Channels of Reservations Distribution performance of the hotel is based on channel mix which utilizes available active digital travel market. Presence of digital market ensures creation of transparency within hotel pricing structures since the industry wields competitive pressure on rates. This will create adequate challenge to management team, especially based on maintenance of profitable levels. Due to rapid growth in consumers’ use of mobile and social tools for travel shopping as well as booking, the hotel will enrich its IT department with new professionals to ensure full utilization of such communication tools. Consumers, such as Benjamin McGowan, would demand Hotel Tempus to use its voice-activated or map-based capabilities. This provides higher value tapping, which can be used to develop travel planning, at the same time monitoring available travel-specific search models. Social sites will be used as sales channels owing to customers’ current intense usage of such channels. Potential consumers often review popular sites, such as Facebook, so these sites should be used to provide potential channels for distribution. In such a set-up, travelers are capable of gathering information, while at the same time easily referring to other colleagues as well as suppliers to Hotel Tempus. Merchandizing role of search engines, mobile and social media tools need to be enhanced for the purposes of providing the hotel with commercial transaction platforms. One of the dominant themes within the market that consumers are familiar with is the case on discounted hotel rooms based on last-minute bookings. From strategic point, the hotels market penetration to product development and market development to diversification will be considered highly successful, finally making the organization one of market leaders in hotel industry. Creating a relaxed atmosphere with comfortable food unit in the setting of one billion populations, fast-growing economy with large number of service professionals will present major reason for business success in the field where old players still channel some products from overseas. This would help in implementation of the main strategy, quality food and services at competitive prices. It is necessary to understand the need of keeping updated with new trends and customer preferences within hotel industry. Food offered will be anchored by traditional menu sets ready in the market with powerful offer on French food known for purity and comfort for heart and soul. This report on Hotel Tempus was written and submitted by user Emmitt B. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

10 qualities to include in a leadership essay

10 qualities to include in a leadership essay While writing your term paper, if you’re asked to write an essay on leadership, how will you begin? Will you define leadership from the Oxford Dictionary, will you begin by referring to your favorite leader’s qualities or will you outline the general characteristics that you think will make a leader? Well, if you are in doubt, please know that it is fine to begin the essay with any of the above methods.   The important aspect to keep in mind is that you’re describing a quality and you should supplement it with ample examples, references and if possible, quotes. The introduction to your essay is obviously the place to hold and capture your reader’s attention, so make sure whatever you write makes the reader curious enough to read through the entire essay. Also, remember that writing a leadership essay encompasses many different aspects – like leadership styles, leadership development, types of leadership, successful leadership, leadership principles and values etc. Before beginning your essay, make a draft about what aspect you want to highlight upon. Your prescribed essay length should help you decide how much you can include and how many aspects you can briefly allude to. Leadership is not just about commanding people, but it is also about following them, and listening to them. One does not always have to be a commander, a chief or a boss to be a great leader. A great leader can also be one who has total command and control over his life, his words, his deeds and actions, and who helps others help themselves. There are lots of great qualities in a leader that you can choose from and elaborate on them with examples. For instance, 10 great leadership qualities that most people agree should be present in a leader are: Empathy Dedication Sincerity Passionate about his beliefs Puts people’s interests above his own Responsibility and ownership Self motivated Ability to influence Ability to lead Ability to teach An effective leader can be humble and strong at the same time, teach and learn at the same time, give credit to his followers and command respect at the same time. To be prepared on writing a leadership essay, you can also read biography essays of great leaders. You can also build up your knowledge by reading on different leadership strategies and how they affected people in various stages in life. To make your leadership essay more interesting, also try to compare two very different kinds of leaders and provide an analysis of what made them successful or unsuccessful as leaders. Remember to conclude your essay with a statement on what you learned from the lives of great leaders.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Coding Schemes in Optical Fibre, Dicode Pulse Position Modulation, Literature review

Coding Schemes in Optical Fibre, Dicode Pulse Position Modulation, Reed Solomon Code, and FPGA - Literature review Example A review of the available literature would enhance the understanding of the coding schemes and hence make the researcher more capable of implementing the process of modulation. Transmission of data can occur either through analog transmission or digital transmission. In case of analog transmission of data, a carrier transmission in used. On the other hand, in case of digital transmission of data, baseband transmission is used. This implies that logical signals are sent for low and high levels of light. For low light level the logic signal is 0 and for high level of light the signal is 1. Sometimes a certain density of the transmission is obtained through data coding that can be applied in the process (Goff, 2002, n.d.). A good balance of 0s and 1s are offered by the schemes of line coding as discussed by Senior (2009, p.737). Related to this is the optical power budgeting that has been focused in studies by Senior. For the communication system based on optical fiber, power budgeting is obtained in the same way as it is done in case of other systems of communication. FEC refers to forward error connection the method of which is used for monitoring errors in the system of communication and forms an essential strategy developed within the line code. There are several line codes and schemes that can be developed in order to accomplish FEC in optical fiber systems of communication (Senior, 2009, pp.731-737). Pulse position modulation is associated with its implementation and performance on the optical channels. Optical communications based on free-space are significantly affected through changing atmospheric conditions (Acton, 2011). Researchers have been sincerely interested in learning about the performance of higher order multiple pulse position modulation over highly dispersive optical channels. This is performed through the use of different slots of the PPM system on the channel of the plastic optical fiber. The analysis of the